Department Of Human Services/ Office Of Rehabilitation Services (ORS) 2013 Comprehensive Needs Assessment - Community

The Department of Human Services/Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS) Quality Improvement Committee needs your assistance.

It is time for ORS to conduct a new Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) survey. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, mandates the Department of Human Services and ORS, in partnership with the Rhode Island State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) complete a statewide assessment every three years of the rehabilitation needs of Rhode Islanders with disabilities. The survey (which includes a Community Provider component, as well as Staff and Customer components) assists ORS and the SRC with strategic planning and identification of goals and objectives for annual State Plan development to assist people with disabilities in entering, returning and/or maintaining employment.

Pleases take 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey by September 27, 2013 via Survey Monkey by clicking on this link:

The survey may be completed by multiple individuals within your organization, so please feel free to forward this email to colleagues or other community providers who have an interest in employment related services for individuals with disabilities.

For access to the survey in languages other than English, you may need to click "Translate" to alter your language settings using the on-site menu or follow this link -

For questions about the survey, please contact Kat Grygiel, Deputy Administrator ext. 27873 or Linda Deschenes, QI Strategic Planning Supervisor ext. 27874. For technical questions or problems with Survey Monkey please contact Austin Allen at ext. 27895.

The Department of Human Services/Office of Rehabilitation Services and State Rehabilitation Council thank you in advance for your assistance in completing the Community CNA Survey.